da könnt ihr euren Namen eingeben und das Teil spuckt dann eure Bezeichnung als Cybrog aus
B.R.A.I.N.I.A.C.: Biomechanical Robotic Android Intended for Nocturnal Infiltration and Accurate Calculation
B.R.A.I.N.D.E.A.D.: Biomechanical Robotic Android Intended for Nullification/Device Engineered for Assassination and Destruction
R.A.I.K.O.: Robotic Android Intended for Killing and Observation
S.C.H.A.E.L.Y.T.: Synthetic Cybernetic Humanoid Assembled for Efficient Learning and Your Troubleshooting (also kauft euch alle einen SchaelyT der geht für euch zur Schule )
M.A.D.D.I.N.: Mechanical Android Designed for Dangerous Infiltration and Nullification ( 3of5 ging nich )
B.E.L.H.A.R.K.A.R.: Biomechanical Electronic Lifeform Hardwired for Assassination/Robotic Killing and Assassination Replicant
L.I.Q.U.I.D.: Lifelike Individual Qualified for Ultimate Infiltration and Destruction (da fehlt das er Alkoholbetrieben ist)
Y.A.N.N.I.C.K.: Ytterbium Artificial Neohuman Normally for Infiltration and Ceaseless Killing
O.L.L.I.: Obedient Lifeform Limited to Infiltration
J.T.S.: Judge Trained for Sabotage
S.C.O.O.P.I.E.: Synthetic Cybernetic Organism Optimized for Potential Infiltration and Exploration
H.E.L.L.B.O.T.: Hydraulic Electronic Lifeform Limited to Battle and Online Troubleshooting
L.E.S.T.A.T.: Lifelike Entity Skilled in Terran Assassination and Troubleshooting
S.U.I.C.I.D.E.D.: Synthetic Upgraded Individual Calibrated for Intensive Destruction and Efficient Deduction
B.I.E.N.Y.: Being Intended for Exploration and Nocturnal Yardwork
C.A.R.I.L.E.I.N.: Cybernetic Artificial Replicant Intended for Logical Exploration and Intensive Nullification
da könnt ihr euren Namen eingeben und das Teil spuckt dann eure Bezeichnung als Cybrog aus
B.R.A.I.N.I.A.C.: Biomechanical Robotic Android Intended for Nocturnal Infiltration and Accurate Calculation
B.R.A.I.N.D.E.A.D.: Biomechanical Robotic Android Intended for Nullification/Device Engineered for Assassination and Destruction
R.A.I.K.O.: Robotic Android Intended for Killing and Observation
S.C.H.A.E.L.Y.T.: Synthetic Cybernetic Humanoid Assembled for Efficient Learning and Your Troubleshooting (also kauft euch alle einen SchaelyT der geht für euch zur Schule )
M.A.D.D.I.N.: Mechanical Android Designed for Dangerous Infiltration and Nullification ( 3of5 ging nich )
B.E.L.H.A.R.K.A.R.: Biomechanical Electronic Lifeform Hardwired for Assassination/Robotic Killing and Assassination Replicant
L.I.Q.U.I.D.: Lifelike Individual Qualified for Ultimate Infiltration and Destruction (da fehlt das er Alkoholbetrieben ist)
Y.A.N.N.I.C.K.: Ytterbium Artificial Neohuman Normally for Infiltration and Ceaseless Killing
O.L.L.I.: Obedient Lifeform Limited to Infiltration
J.T.S.: Judge Trained for Sabotage
S.C.O.O.P.I.E.: Synthetic Cybernetic Organism Optimized for Potential Infiltration and Exploration
H.E.L.L.B.O.T.: Hydraulic Electronic Lifeform Limited to Battle and Online Troubleshooting
L.E.S.T.A.T.: Lifelike Entity Skilled in Terran Assassination and Troubleshooting
S.U.I.C.I.D.E.D.: Synthetic Upgraded Individual Calibrated for Intensive Destruction and Efficient Deduction
B.I.E.N.Y.: Being Intended for Exploration and Nocturnal Yardwork
C.A.R.I.L.E.I.N.: Cybernetic Artificial Replicant Intended for Logical Exploration and Intensive Nullification
Die politische Macht kommt aus den Gewehrläufen.
Das kleine Rote Buch - Mao Zedong
Ich bin ja auch nur irre in Kombination mit einem Ticken diabolischer Intelligenz. So eine Art Montgomery Burns auf Crack mit einem Gewaltproblem.