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Vorherige Beiträge 2

  • Krupps - The Gods of Void

    Last night I had a sensation
    Made me see it all so clear
    I hate to see their lying faces
    Their empty words I hate to hear
    They're the evil spreading poison
    Stand for all that I despise
    Last night I saw it all so clear
    Those demons must be excorcised

    Banish their spirits - purification
    Punish their souls - compensation

    The gods of void - They're the gods of void
    They are so big - in their world of void
    The voids of void - they're the voids of void
    They are so void - in their void of void

    Don't you feel their twisted minds
    All they got is hate for mankind
    Merciless they run the show
    I hate to see their power grow
    Shut your ears to their charming lies
    See behind those pretentious smiles
    Don't listen to the siren's call
    Don't let them take control

    You know who I'm talking about
    You know who they are
    Get them before they get you
    Don't let them go too far

    --- Na, is halt Heavy Metal!