The English Thread

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    • Most of you make this thread just silly. It sucks just to read shit like 'I dont like this thread.' - If you dont like ist: Just dont care about it, dont post in it and just leave out these annoying comments.
      I also think if it's not getting better with that, the only solution is so close it. If you cant handle this kind of thread, where is no clearly defined subject, its in my opinion kind of sad. But its worse, that you always have to denigrate something you dont like. As I already (often) said: If you dont like it, just dont post anything. Righty?
      Thanks. ;)

      (15:03:26) (|S|)** ach, das hb ist voll mit dekadenten Usern, die geistig onanierend sich gegenseitig feiern irgendein pille-palle-thema bis zum erbrechen zu bumsen und über tittensaugen sinnieren, wo nix zu reden gibt

      **Name der Redaktion bekannt

      'I'm worst at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed.'

      'It's better to burn out, than to fade away...'
    • subjects are for people, who need to be told what to think about. just be creative and tell the world about the things in your head. tell them about all the freaky colors and animals in your brain! :xx:
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
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    • I agree. The people, who don´t like this thread, should stop posting in here.

      Now I will tell you something about this evening.
      At first I was in a pub with a girlfriend. We had a lot of fun, but my mistake was, that i drank too much. Because of that I have a headache now, that's bad :( . But it's getting better with nearly every hour that is passing by.
      In addition I can't sleep anyway. That is also very bad, because tomorrow I will have my last exam.
      I am going to try to sleep again now...
      Jede Praktik jedes Augenblicks, jeder Instinkt, jede zur Tat werdende Wertschaetzung ist heute antichristlich: was fuer eine /Missgeburt von Falschheit/ muss der moderne Mensch sein, dass er sich trotzdem /nicht schaemt/, Christ zu heissen! - - -
      – Friedrich Nietzsche
    • Well, yours is not a sad story.
      The worse thing is: you got out with a girlfriend, you got drunk. See the mistake?

      On the other hand, yesterday i went on a birthdayparty for my grandma. Well, at 30 Degrees (Celsius) even a glass of champagne is not a good idea for a 80-year old.

      And for the exam: got to work out some higher math now, see ya!
    • mmm I am HUNGRY
      perhaps I should go downstairs... I don't know
      I'm so lazy *g*
      oh by the way
      Diese Signatur existiert nicht, sie ist nur eine Illusion die du dir selber geschaffen hast
      um die traurige Wahrheit nicht anerkennen zu müssen.
      Hast du uns gesehen?

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Tod und Verderben

      :wall: :wall: :wall:

      Ein Abklatsch der Phantasie lebt nicht lange
    • Well thats a sad story, because mexicans are by nature better at english than germans. The krauts are losers anyway, so don't care.
      Well, anyway: is there anything interesting to visit/experience in rome, besides pope, etc.? I'm looking for something more, eh, natural, non-overstyled, non-tourist, non-*, you know. Anyone been there recently and care to give some advice?
    • i'm bored this morning. Ig uess i will copy some files and then i'll try to find something that needs to be done :rolleyes:
      or maybe, i will sit here and wait until i die, i don't know...
      "Und ein sozialkritisches Schlagzeugsolo später ist es soweit: Making disco a threat again. Wow. Und zu 72% geschmacksicher erklärst du jedem, dass ultramarinblau bedeutender ist als aquamarinblau. Und alle glauben es dir. Vorausgesetzt: die Nasenscheidewände halten."
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    • you must have been very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very bored to open a thread like this.

      And i must be through-slammed to reply an this shit -.-
      Bild wegen Übergröße entfernt
      06.03.2007, 0:04, Three of Five

      Ich liebe Bürokratie :uhoh:
    • [Blockierte Grafik:]
      For life is quite absurd
      And death's the final word.
      You must always face the curtain with a bow.
      Forget about your sin.
      Give the audience a grin.
      Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

      Always look on the bright side of death
      Just before you draw your terminal breath.
      [Blockierte Grafik:]
      Life's a piece of shit,
      When you look at it.
      Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.
      You'll see it's all a show.
      Keep 'em laughing as you go.
      Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

      Always look on the bright side of life.
      Always look on the right side of life.
      [User nach 3. Verwarnungen vorerst in seinen Schreibrechten eingeschränkt - Die Administration]

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kinslayer668 ()

    • you are Pidass, Stu. I hate this kind of comedy.
      No fun...
      ja, o je. ihr suhlt euch in halluzinierter genialität und flennt trotzdem unentwegt rum, weil man euch nicht zufächert und wie die herren behandelt, für die ihr euch haltet. nehmt doch euren distinktionsgewinn und dämmert sanft der umnachtung entgegen. macht es wie nietzsche!
      (spunkkkyyy - 20.1.2006 // Über das hb)
    • i think its a very funny film, like all films from python, but i cant watch such films many times, they are stupid but funny

      Simply you can breath doesn't mean you are alive.

      Etwas verwest in uns. Unter diesem dünnen Lack aus Anstand, Moral und Zivilisation, gärt abgestandenes Menschsein und wenn die Membran reisst, wird die Welt ertrinken, in einem Meer aus Blut, Tränen und Pisse.

      "Wenn man mit anonymen Fremden im Internet diskutiert, muss man auf alles gefasst sein, denn fast immer entpuppen sie sich als von ihrer Unfehlbarkeit überzeugte Sechzehnjährige mit unendlich viel freier Zeit."
      Neal Stephenson