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Vorherige Beiträge 97

  • Since rocket launcher owning dentist don't stirr up as much conversational interest as i suspected, lets try something bigger:
    Rumsfeld guided by GOD
    Yeah, you read that right, the senior chief of staff in washington (you're all military nuts, so you know, that's the most senior advisor to the minister of defense, Donald Rumsfeld) just said, that Rumsfelds judgments are guided by god himself. Freaky.
    Get the full story here:
  • Deeply sorry - nearly forgot to answer your last post... :nono:

    But I was really most impressed of these youngsters, their ideas revealing a tremendous amount not only of intellectual capacity but also of practical impact. In the hereabouts highly considered tradition of patriotism of course I favour these two austrian kids and their new de-icing system for aeoplanes.

    Speaking about patriotism I am reminded of one of its not so worthy representatives mentioned lately by Fefe´s blog: Mr. David Jackson, a retired dentist and assumed follower of the British National Party, who was arrested for possessing explosive substances 'for an unlawful purpose'. The bloody idiot even stored rocket launchers at home...

    I am quite convinced that we are in agreement, that this is the sort of applied 'patriotism' that is not in the least estimated not only by the police but also by any bona fide patriot.
  • Obviously the judges are no good, so lets move on to something even better. While browsing the world wait web i stumbled upon a newsstory that really caught my eye:
    See, the swedes are doers, getting the brightest youngsters together to showcase small but important inventions. I'd say 'never underestimate 1000 small changes' potential for turning your life upside down'.
    For those interested, i found this to be in stunning coincidence with Thomas-Evangelium seeing how they both encourage you to look at what's right before your eyes.

    How do you judge (ha!) these inventions? Life-changing? Boring? I've known all this before?
    I'd like to chat about the principle underlying 'small change', KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) as well as the actual inventions.
  • To spare you the incredible imposition of looking above... :rolleyes:

    Original von MoD3000
    Now with the demise and non-acceptance of the fine english language in the #hellboard channel, i aim at a resurrection of a pure, shiny angloracists, err i mean english-thread.

    So i'll kick this off with a quite english topic: the american judical system (which, i can assure you, is one of the most complicated in the world). The article of the respectable libertian newspaper N.Y. Times is here
    To summarize the problem (and explain why a american court system is british), i should say that the story is about small local judges, who are a leftover of the first colonists (not the judges, but the system, mind). They used to provide a little judical system while the colonies were still sizeable and the problems at hand were everyday stuff - your farms dogs killed my sheep, your mother is snooring too loud, whatever.

    In the world of today, the state of New York still has this system, plus an enhanced criminal justice court for the big issues. So where's the deal? You know, i'm all for small courts deciding the small issues, because that's the way you deal with scalability issues. But what is a small issue nowadays? And here's the problem: the judges presiding these one man courts have absolutly no grasp of the law, which should be the basis of their judgments. Instead they rely on "common sense", telling them to throw out abuse cases (because "a woman needs a good pounding, now and then"), collect extra charges or incarcerate their local enemys.

    I'm interested in your opinions on the story. Do you think this system can be improved upon (with judges from all branches of life) or should it be axed (requiring lawyers on the bench)? Would you be a better judge?
  • hmm i guess i had...
    IF things like that would intrest me...
    you see, im busy figureing out what our politicians are doing, so its futile to ask
    me stuff like that...
    But im glad that someone agitates a new subject :)
  • Nice to have found at least one more board-member, who is not spitting like a cat in rage immediately when reading an english word... :)

    Perhaps you even got an opinion on the question of laymen acting as judges?
  • Hell yea!
    An english thread!Good idea!
    I got a Fable for the english language...
    i will study at the San Diego University in 5 years... long my english-marks stay at 1,4 midstat^^
  • Of course I knew that american law is quite different to our legal system - it is basically a 'case law', like roman law was. So first I thought, you wanted to discuss this kind of difference... when I started to understand, what your post really was about, I was simply flabbergasted, because I never knew - and would never have suspected - that a damned layman could act as a judge! I expect a judge to be a graduate of a university, and to be quite explicit, to be a graduate of law.

    Okay, they are rather crazy, these Americans - but how can they be crazy like that?!
    This anachronism has to be terminated as soon as possible, better yesterday than today.

    Original von MoD3000
    Now with the demise and non-acceptance of the fine english language in the #hellboard channel, i aim at a resurrection of a pure, shiny angloracists, err i mean english-thread.

    A truely sad rejection and most unfortunate decision, without question. This unholy channel could have stood to gain - if not favour, than at least notoriety... :D