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Vorherige Beiträge 3

  • Im Religions-Unterricht hat man uns gesagt...(hört sich an, als ob die versuchen, das einem einzutrichter...hmm)

    Im Religionsunterricht wollte man uns eintrichtern, dass Jesus einfach nur ein ganz normales Leben geführt hat, bis ins Alter eines Jugendlichen und irgendwann hat er seine Bestimmung herausgefunden und zog los...

    Aber das was diese Leute da oben, so gepostet haben ist auch nicht schlecht :D
  • Oha!


    Ääh... Da bin ich platt... Ich meine so richtig! Jesus als Teenager? Hm... Mal überlegen... Jesus... Jesus...

    Jesus wurde geboren, verschwand, tauchte mit neun im Tempel auf um zu predigen und verschwand dann wieder, nur um ein paar Jährchen später wieder aufzutauchen, die Römer aufzumischen um dann zum Dank an's Kreuz genagelt zu werden. Cooler Lebenslauf.
    Aber was war als Kind?
    Jesus wird als Kind wie jeder andere gewesen sein. Er wird Lesen&Schreiben gelernt haben, sich in die eine oder andere verguckt haben, mal hie, mal da zuviel getrunken haben und eben so gewesen sein, wie jeder andere Mensch auch. Ich schätze mal, er war eigentlich niemand besonderes. Eben nur ein Priester, der Sohn eines Handwerkers, ein Kind unter vielen, dass sein Leben gelebt hat, wie es konnte. Bis es dann einen entscheidenden Einschnitt gegeben hat. Vielleicht was schlechtes gegesssen, ZUviel getrunken oder einfach nur hohes Fieber gehabt, was ihm dann Haluzinationen beschert hat von Bildern einer Engelsgestalt oder ein Busch hat durch die Hitze in der Wüste ob der Trockenheit einfach angefangen zu brennen, Jesus war durstig und bekam auch wieder Halus. Sowas in der Art wird es gewesen sein. Aber wie war Jesus als Teen... Tja... Seht euch mal auf unseren Straßen um, dann werdet ihr wissen, wie er war, nur eben in anderen Verhältnissen, mit den gleichen Problemen aus einer anderen Zeit an einem anderem Ort, aber ansonsten im Verhältnis der gleiche, da sich der Mensch eben nie ändert.
  • Jesus als Teenager


    habe gerade in einem forum einen genialen thread gefunden, den ich euch net vorenthalten möchte. da man sich in dem forum anmelden muss, um mitlesen zu können, hab ich mir mal die freiheit genommen, die texte rauszukopieren.

    Haven´t you ever asked yourself what´s Jesus been like as teenager ? i mean, there is lots of fuzz about his birth and then there is that temple and priest story of when he was about 9 but except for that there is no talk in the Holy Bible about Jesus as kid .....there he comes again out of a sudden, doing miracles and healing people till he fucks off aged 33 only. and in between ? i think he´s been a difficult kid and spent all these years in rehab of Betty Ford Clinic.

    I think he spent most of his teenage years masturbating like virtually every other teen in the history of mankind.

    Probably trying to decipher all the shit in his head.

    he was in india.

    Didn't he kill a kid accidently when he was young with his "powers"? And then some Rabbi comes along and teaches him how to use them? It's funny, it just sounds so modernly contrived, as if Jesus was a jedi.

    hmm. i bet he was molested by a rabbi.

    I think he was in India, learning how to build hotrods.

    He was in India masturbating.

    Jesus was probably like most teenagers:playing videogames,hiding behind school yard to smoke cigarettes and drink some beers with Paul,Peter,...he's the one who first made'em smoke pot,and he learned how to masturbate to them too,he's the messiah,you know...

    I think he was inzane. I think he was just one of those nutties (hospitals full of them) who think they´re jesus. The only difference: he was first and people believed him! Conclusion: when jesus was a teen he acted like he was some kind of god. Freak.

    he was kept as white slave by some company turning water to wine.

    jesus came over on the mayflower with columbus to spread christianity to the huegnots. he domesticated the chicken, also. which made the last supper... which is supposed to be called the FIRST supper... as in thanksgiving (what we now call it) and at the first supper, there were no indians... just a bunch of guys watching football. and the whole crucifixtion thing... no. that was just an old-world form of rotisserie. and he never was resurected... he just had a really bad hangover... "man, i feel like i just got resurrected or soemthing!"
    then lived out his life as a roadie for peter, paul, and elizabeth I. (elizabeth was later kicked out and mary replaced, after jesus died)

    yeah right. I think you guys are lyeing. Jesus was like, that guy. He wore his sun glasses at night and shit. And he worked at some shity job but he baught a comero and all the chicks dig him. ANd so he'd go from club to club fucking them all and that water to wine thing was just a party trick. I know all this cuz I asked this dude at work who knows Jesus. I raps and his crew is called "the apposles" and they're symbol is the jesus fish. THAT'S what's really going on. When you see one of those comeros with blue neon lights under the tires, that's Jesus. His shity job is workin for the man, you know, his old man, buildin houses and stuff.

    He´s often been abused by his Dad. and had a minority complex due to his very small penis.

    isn't that what john 3:13 says?

    irgendwelche eigenen theorien? :D